

Is the laptop dead? Every month, some new study hammers home the point that people are spending more and more time with smartphones and tablets. All the while, those big, blocky laptops on our desks end up gathering dust — or so the theory goes.

That theory is horse manure if you happen to have Apple‘s latest 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display (which I’ll abbreviate to rMBP). I’ve been using the small-size rMBP for the past week and a half, and it’s a Herculean task to put this sucker down. The new Pro epitomizes what we want in a laptop in 2013: It’s lightweight, has incredible performance and gets amazing battery life. Why the hell would I pick up my phone when I’ve got this? Read more…

More about Apple, Reviews, Macbook Pro, Laptops, and Retina Display